
Lance Game Tutorial

This 45-minute tutorial will guide you in the building of a JavaScript networked game. It is meant as a more advanced tutorial, a follow-up to My First Game: Pong. This tutorial repeats the environment setup, but goes further in-depth, introducing the concepts and basic components of a networked game, and sequence flows on the server and the clients.

All the code in this tutorial references the spaaace repository - so first, clone that repository to see the referenced files:

git clone
cd spaaace
npm install
npm start

Open one or more browsers at http://localhost:3000 to see the game running.

The Components of a Networked Game

The networked game is architected around the following components:

  • The server. Implemented by the ServerEngine class. The code in this class will run on the authoritative server only.
  • The clients. Implemented by the ClientEngine class. The code in this class will run on each browser playing the game. The client code will need to collect the user's inputs, and send them to the server.
  • The game logic. Implemented by the GameEngine class. In interpolation mode, the code in this class runs only on the server. However, in extrapolation mode, the code in this class runs on the server, and is also executed on each client, as each client attempts to extrapolate (predict) what is happening on the authoritative server.
  • Multiple game objects. The GameObject is the base class for all kinds of game objects. Each game object can be associated with one or more render assets (such as sprites), as well as one or more physics objects. For example, in a game of spaceships, each spaceship is a game object, but each spaceship game object will have multiple render objects associated with it, such as the spaceship image, the engine thrust images, and an explosion image which is rendered when the spaceship explodes. In addition, a single spaceship game object is linked to physical objects in a physics engine. And the physical object will likely be a very simple shape, like a rectangle or a circle or a point.
  • Physics. Lance supports three physics models. For this game, we will use the simplified 2D Simple Physics mode. In this mode, all game objects inherit from the DynamicObject class, and the corresponding physics engine is SimplePhysicsEngine.
  • Synchronization. Lance provides several ways to synchronize between the server and the clients. The game developer must configure which synchronization method works best for any given game. For this game we will use extrapolation mode.

As you write your game, you will need to implement your own extensions (sub-classes) of the classes above. But most of the game logic will happen in your extensions of GameEngine and ServerEngine.

Basic Flow

The basic flow of the game can be seen as a sequence of game steps. Steps will be executed both on the server and the client. Each step is numbered, and depending on the synchronization strategy, clients may be executing a given step before the corresponding state data has arrived from the server (i.e. extrapolation) or after (i.e. interpolation). Ideally, a given step 𝑵 represents the same point in game play on both the server and the client, and occurs at the same time. But this is not always the case.

Server Flow:

The server main entry point is a simple javascript file which initializes an instance of an extended ServerEngine class and an instance of an extended GameEngine class. In our tutorial the file is called main.js.

The server engine schedules a step function to be called at a regular interval. The flow is:

  • ServerEngine - start of a single server step
    • GameEngine - collect inputs from all players: process any inputs that arrived
    • GameEngine - start of a single game step
      • PhysicsEngine - handle physics step
    • Broadcast game state to clients: If a game-state broadcast is due
      • For each connected player Pᵢ
        • Transmit a "world update" to player Pᵢ
        • This world update is called a "sync" and contains only the necessary changes to game objects

Note: the flow described above is already implemented in Lance. The game developer creates a sub-classes which inherits from ServerEngine and a sub-class which inherits from GameEngine. These two sub-classes contain server and game logic.

Client Flow:

The client flow is actually more complicated than the server flow, because of synchronization strategies and the rendering. The client consists of three independent work schedules: The game step logic, the render step logic, and the server update sync logic.

  • ClientEngine - Renderer draw event
    • At the draw event, the client will typically execute one client game step
    • Check inbound messages / world updates
      • if a world update has arrived from the server, apply all the changes to the local game state
    • Capture local user inputs that have occurred since previous step
    • Transmit inputs to server
    • Handle inputs locally (extrapolation mode only)
    • GameEngine - start of a game step
      • PhysicsEngine - handle physics step
    • For each object in the world Oᵢ:
      • update the associated render objects for Oᵢ

Note: the flow described above is already implemented in Lance. The game developer creates a sub-class which inherits from ClientEngine. This sub class contains client code for the game.

Step 1: main.js and the ServerEngine

Build your own ServerEngine sub-class:

The first step is to build your own ServerEngine-derived class. For this tutorial you can look at file src/server/SpaaaceServerEngine.js

This file does the following:

  1. Start the server, by creating the robot ships, and registering a function which will handle missile hits. See method start().
  2. Handle player-connection logic by creating a ship for the new player. See method onPlayerConnected(). Notice that this method receives a socket object, which can be used to handle client events.
  3. Handle player-disconnection logic by removing the ship of the disconnected player. See method onPlayerDisconnected().
  4. Note the makeBot() method, it creates AI-controlled spaceships, which are controlled on the server only. The AI-control code is implemented in the GameEngine, but since it is only called by the ServerEngine class, it will only run on the server. This is the preferred technique to implement game code which only executes on the server.

Build the main entry point:

The next step is to write the server entry code. For this tutorial the corresponding file is main.js

The file does the following:

  1. create an express server and configure the root route '/'
  2. create a socketIO handler
  3. create an instance of SpaaaceServerEngine
  4. create an instance of SpaaaceGameEngine
  5. start the serverEngine instance

Sample entry code will look like this:

const express = require('express');
const socketIO = require('');
const path = require('path');

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const INDEX = path.join(__dirname, './index.html');

// define routes and socket
const server = express();
server.get('/', function(req, res) { res.sendFile(INDEX); });
server.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, './dist/')));
let requestHandler = server.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on ${ PORT }`));
const io = socketIO(requestHandler);

// Game Server
import SpaaaceServerEngine from './src/server/SpaaaceServerEngine.js';
import SpaaaceGameEngine from './src/common/SpaaaceGameEngine.js';

// Game Instances
const gameEngine = new SpaaaceGameEngine();
const serverEngine = new SpaaaceServerEngine(io, gameEngine, {
    debug: {},
    updateRate: 6,
    timeoutInterval: 0 // no timeout

// start the game

Step 2: the GameEngine

To implement the game logic, you must create a new class which inherits from the GameEngine class. This is where your game mechanics (a.k.a. game rules, or game logic) are implemented. Methods which are explicitly invoked by the ServerEngine will run on the server only. But much of the code is meant to execute on both client and server.

For this tutorial, take a look at src/common/SpaaaceGameEngine.js The game engine logic has three major tasks:

  1. Extend the start() method. Listen to collision events, and check if a missile hit a ship. If so - emit an event called missileHit.
  2. Extend the processInput() method. This is the logic which handles new user input such as movement, firing, activate ability, etc. In the sample code the processInput() method handles the keyboard inputs "up", "right", "left", "space". The inputs will cause the spaceship to accelerate, turn right or left, or to fire a missile.
  3. makeShip(). Creates a new ship, as a result of a new connection received on the server. Only called by the ServerEngine, so this method will only run on the server.
  4. makeMissile(). Create a new missile, as a result of one ship firing. Called by the GameEngine, so this method will run on both clients and server.
  5. destroyMissile(). Remove a missile.

Step 3: clientEntryPoint.js, SpaaaceClientEngine.js, and SpaaaceRenderer.js

The client entry code creates a game engine, a client engine, and their options. The options configure the synchronization.

The full sample code is in src/client/clientEntryPoint.js and is implemented as follows:

import Trace from 'lance/lib/Trace';
import SpaaaceClientEngine from './SpaaaceClientEngine';
import SpaaaceGameEngine from '../common/SpaaaceGameEngine';
import '../../dist/assets/sass/main.scss';

// sent to both game engine and client engine
const options = {
    traceLevel: Trace.TRACE_NONE,
    delayInputCount: 8,
    scheduler: 'render-schedule',
    syncOptions: {
        sync: 'extrapolate',
        localObjBending: 0.2,
        remoteObjBending: 0.5

// create a client engine and a game engine
const gameEngine = new SpaaaceGameEngine(options);
const clientEngine = new SpaaaceClientEngine(gameEngine, options);


Step 4: DynamicObjects

Your game objects, including monsters, spaceships, zombies, and bosses, all inherit from the DynamicObject class. More advanced games which require a true physics engine will prefer to inherit from PhysicalObject2D or PhysicalObject3D, but that is outside the scope of this tutorial. The DynamicObject base class is a serializable class, meaning that the server can serialize any instance of the class (or sub-class) into a binary object, and transmit those instances to clients.

The serialization mechanism doesn't know which attributes of the game objects are important, and need to be included in the serializations. This requires sub-classes to explicitly list the attribute names which will be included during the serialization. This list of attributes is described using the netscheme mechanism.

Take a look at the netScheme() getter in src/common/Ship.js and src/common/Missile.js. The netScheme() getter extends the super-class netScheme. In both files you will find that the base class provides most of the needed logic for movement, and synchronization.

For example, the netscheme of the Ship object shown here, includes the netscheme attributes of the super class (i.e. DynamicObject), and adds to that list an attribute called showThrust, of type INT32.

static get netScheme() {
    return Object.assign({
        showThrust: { type: BaseTypes.TYPES.INT32 }
    }, super.netScheme);

Step 5: Putting it all together

For the full game, you will need to create a package.json file, and an index.html file, examples of which are available in the spaaace repository.

To run the server run npm run build followed by npm start.

Keep in mind that the server has two roles: (1) it acts as an HTTP server, serving index.html to clients which connect to the game; and (2) it runs the ServerEngine entry point, which involves accepting client connections, running the server-authoritative game engine, and broadcasting updates to the clients. In a published game, you will likely want to store the static files in a CDN, so your server engine can focus on the second role.

Game Events

It is good programming practice to implement your code using event handlers, so that it is clear what each chunk of logic is handling.

The full list of events is available in the API GameEngine reference, so we will only list the most important events here.

  • preStep and postStep - emitted by game engine, just before and just after step execution. The event handlers receive the step number and whether or not this step is a reenactment.
  • objectAdded and objectDestroyed - emitted on object addition/destruction, the handlers receive the object as an argument.
  • syncReceived - emitted on the client when a sync (e.g world update) is received.
  • playerJoined and playerDisconnected - emitted on player connect/disconnect. The handlers receive an object describing the player. The object contains attribute playerId.

Traces & Debugging

For debugging purposes, the GameEngine super-class provides a tracing service. The trace service exposes functions trace(), debug(), info(), warn() and error(). The functions are listed above in increasing order of importance. When the game engine is started, it can be passed a minimum trace level option. For example a minimum trace level of TRACE_INFO will mean that entries of type "trace" and "debug" will be ignored.

A trace message is usually recorded as follows: => `this just happened: ${foobar()}`);

The trace methods receive arrow functions as an input, because if they would receive the template string then this template string will be evaluated even in those cases where no tracing is done. This has been shown to add a heavy load to the garbage collection.

By default, Lance already traces a lot of information, describing the progress of the game and each step in detail. The traces are text files, written on the server side. The server trace file is called server.trace and the client trace files are called client.𝑵.trace where 𝑵 is the player's id.

How to enable traces

In our tutorial example, the URL's query-string parameters become options which are passed to the game engine constructor. So the client-side traces can be activated from the query string, simply by setting the parameter &traceLevel=0 on the query string.

On the server side traces can be enabled by setting the traceLevel option on the GameEngine, this option specifies the minimum trace level to record, so by setting this option to 0 you can get all trace messages.