
import GameWorld from './GameWorld';
import EventEmitter from 'event-emitter';
import Timer from './game/Timer';
import Trace from './lib/Trace';

 * The GameEngine contains the game logic.  Extend this class
 * to implement game mechanics.  The GameEngine derived
 * instance runs once on the server, where the final decisions
 * are always taken, and one instance will run on each client as well,
 * where the client emulates what it expects to be happening
 * on the server.
 * The game engine's logic must listen to user inputs and
 * act on these inputs to change the game state.  For example,
 * the game engine listens to controller/keyboard inputs to infer
 * movement for the player/ship/first-person.  The game engine listens
 * to clicks, button-presses to infer firing, etc..
 * Note that the game engine runs on both the server and on the
 * clients - but the server decisions always have the final say,
 * and therefore clients must resolve server updates which conflict
 * with client-side predictions.
class GameEngine {

      * Create a game engine instance.  This needs to happen
      * once on the server, and once on each client.
      * @param {Object} options - options object
      * @param {Number} options.traceLevel - the trace level.
    constructor(options) {

        // place the game engine in the LANCE globals
        const isServerSide = (typeof window === 'undefined');
        const glob = isServerSide ? global : window;
        glob.LANCE = { gameEngine: this };

        // set options
        const defaultOpts = { traceLevel: Trace.TRACE_NONE };
        if (!isServerSide) defaultOpts.clientIDSpace = 1000000;
        this.options = Object.assign(defaultOpts, options);

         * client's player ID, as a string. If running on the client, this is set at runtime by the clientEngine
         * @member {String}
        this.playerId = NaN;

        // set up event emitting and interface
        let eventEmitter = this.options.eventEmitter;
        if (typeof eventEmitter === 'undefined')
            eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

         * Register a handler for an event
         * @method on
         * @memberof GameEngine
         * @instance
         * @param {String} eventName - name of the event
         * @param {Function} eventHandler - handler function
        this.on = eventEmitter.on;

         * Register a handler for an event, called just once (if at all)
         * @method once
         * @memberof GameEngine
         * @instance
         * @param {String} eventName - name of the event
         * @param {Function} eventHandler - handler function
        this.once = eventEmitter.once;

         * Remove a handler
         * @method removeListener
         * @memberof GameEngine
         * @instance
         * @param {String} eventName - name of the event
         * @param {Function} eventHandler - handler function
        this.removeListener =; =;

        this.emit = eventEmitter.emit;

        // set up trace
        this.trace = new Trace({ traceLevel: this.options.traceLevel });

    findLocalShadow(serverObj) {

        for (let localId of Object.keys( {
            if (Number(localId) < this.options.clientIDSpace) continue;
            let localObj =[localId];
            if (localObj.hasOwnProperty('inputId') && localObj.inputId === serverObj.inputId)
                return localObj;

        return null;

    initWorld(worldSettings) { = new GameWorld();

        // on the client we have a different ID space
        if (this.options.clientIDSpace) {
   = this.options.clientIDSpace;

        * The worldSettings defines the game world constants, such
        * as width, height, depth, etc. such that all other classes
        * can reference these values.
        * @member {Object} worldSettings
        * @memberof GameEngine
        this.worldSettings = Object.assign({}, worldSettings);

      * Start the game. This method runs on both server
      * and client. Extending the start method is useful
      * for setting up the game's worldSettings attribute,
      * and registering methods on the event handler.
    start() { => '========== game engine started ==========');

        // create the default timer
        this.timer = new Timer();;
        this.on('postStep', (step, isReenact) => {
            if (!isReenact) this.timer.tick();

        this.emit('start', { timestamp: (new Date()).getTime() });

      * Single game step.
      * @param {Boolean} isReenact - is this step a re-enactment of the past.
      * @param {Number} t - the current time (optional)
      * @param {Number} dt - elapsed time since last step was called.  (optional)
      * @param {Boolean} physicsOnly - do a physics step only, no game logic
    step(isReenact, t, dt, physicsOnly) {
        // physics-only step
        if (physicsOnly) {
            if (dt) dt /= 1000; // physics engines work in seconds
            this.physicsEngine.step(dt, objectFilter);

        // emit preStep event
        if (isReenact === undefined)
            throw new Error('game engine does not forward argument isReenact to super class');

        isReenact = Boolean(isReenact);
        let step =;
        let clientIDSpace = this.options.clientIDSpace;
        this.emit('preStep', { step, isReenact, dt });

        // skip physics for shadow objects during re-enactment
        function objectFilter(o) {
            return !isReenact || < clientIDSpace;

        // physics step
        if (this.physicsEngine && !this.ignorePhysics) {
            if (dt) dt /= 1000; // physics engines work in seconds
            this.physicsEngine.step(dt, objectFilter);

        // for each object
        // - apply incremental bending
        // - refresh object positions after physics, o) => {
            if (typeof o.refreshFromPhysics === 'function')
            this.trace.trace(() => `object[${id}] after ${isReenact ? 'reenact' : 'step'} : ${o.toString()}`);

        // emit postStep event
        this.emit('postStep', { step, isReenact });

     * Add object to the game world.
     * On the client side, the object may not be created, if the server copy
     * of this object is already in the game world.  This could happen when the client
     * is using delayed-input, and the RTT is very low.
     * @param {Object} object - the object.
     * @return {Object} the final object.
    addObjectToWorld(object) {

        // if we are asked to create a local shadow object
        // the server copy may already have arrived.
        if (Number( >= this.options.clientIDSpace) {
            let serverCopyArrived = false;
  , o) => {
                if (o.hasOwnProperty('inputId') && o.inputId === object.inputId) {
                    serverCopyArrived = true;
                    return false;
            if (serverCopyArrived) {
       => `========== shadow object NOT added ${object.toString()} ==========`);
                return null;

        // tell the object to join the game, by creating
        // its corresponding physical entities and renderer entities.
        if (typeof object.onAddToWorld === 'function')

        this.emit('objectAdded', object); => `========== object added ${object.toString()} ==========`);

        return object;

     * Override this function to implement input handling.
     * This method will be called on the specific client where the
     * input was received, and will also be called on the server
     * when the input reaches the server.  The client does not call this
     * method directly, rather the client calls {@link ClientEngine#sendInput}
     * so that the input is sent to both server and client, and so that
     * the input is delayed artificially if so configured.
     * The input is described by a short string, and is given an index.
     * The index is used internally to keep track of inputs which have already been applied
     * on the client during synchronization.  The input is also associated with
     * the ID of a player.
     * @param {Object} inputDesc - input descriptor object
     * @param {String} inputDesc.input - describe the input (e.g. "up", "down", "fire")
     * @param {Number} inputDesc.messageIndex - input identifier
     * @param {Number} inputDesc.step - the step on which this input occurred
     * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID
     * @param {Boolean} isServer - indicate if this function is being called on the server side
    processInput(inputDesc, playerId, isServer) { => `game engine processing input[${inputDesc.messageIndex}] <${inputDesc.input}> from playerId ${playerId}`);

     * Remove an object from the game world.
     * @param {Object|String} objectId - the object or object ID
    removeObjectFromWorld(objectId) {

        if (typeof objectId === 'object') objectId =;
        let object =[objectId];

        if (!object) {
            throw new Error(`Game attempted to remove a game object which doesn't (or never did) exist, id=${objectId}`);
        } => `========== destroying object ${object.toString()} ==========`);

        if (typeof object.onRemoveFromWorld === 'function')

        this.emit('objectDestroyed', object);;

     * Check if a given object is owned by the player on this client
     * @param {Object} object the game object to check
     * @return {Boolean} true if the game object is owned by the player on this client
    isOwnedByPlayer(object) {
        return (object.playerId == this.playerId);

     * Register Game Object Classes
     * @example
     * registerClasses(serializer) {
     *   serializer.registerClass(Paddle);
     *   serializer.registerClass(Ball);
     * }
     * @param {Serializer} serializer - the serializer
    registerClasses(serializer) {

     * Decide whether the player game is over by returning an Object, need to be implemented
     * @return {Object} truthful if the game is over for the player and the object is returned as GameOver data
    getPlayerGameOverResult() {
        return null;


 * Marks the beginning of a new game step
 * @event GameEngine#preStep
 * @param {Number} stepNumber - the step number
 * @param {Boolean} isReenact - is this step a re-enactment

 * Marks the end of a game step
 * @event GameEngine#postStep
 * @param {Number} stepNumber - the step number
 * @param {Boolean} isReenact - is this step a re-enactment

 * An object has been added to the world
 * @event GameEngine#objectAdded
 * @param {Object} obj - the new object

 * An object has been removed from the world
 * @event GameEngine#objectDestroyed
 * @param {Object} obj - the object

 * A player has joined
 * @event GameEngine#playerJoined
 * @param {Number} joinTime - epoch of join time
 * @param {Object} playerDesc - player descriptor
 * @param {String} playerDesc.playerId - the player ID

 * A player has left
 * @event GameEngine#playerDisconnected
 * @param {Number} joinTime - epoch of join time
 * @param {Number} disconnectTime - epoch of disconnect time
 * @param {Object} playerDesc - player descriptor
 * @param {String} playerDesc.playerId - the player ID

 * A player has joined on the server
 * @event GameEngine#server__playerJoined
 * @param {Number} joinTime - epoch of join time
 * @param {Object} playerDesc - player descriptor
 * @param {String} playerDesc.playerId - the player ID

  * A player has left on the server
  * @event GameEngine#server__playerDisconnected
  * @param {Number} joinTime - epoch of join time
  * @param {Number} disconnectTime - epoch of disconnect time
  * @param {Object} playerDesc - player descriptor
  * @param {String} playerDesc.playerId - the player ID

 * A synchronization update arrived from the server
 * @event GameEngine#syncReceived
 * @param {Object} sync - the synchronization object

  * Marks the beginning of a game step on the client
  * @event GameEngine#client__preStep

  * Marks the end of a game step on the client
  * @event GameEngine#client__postStep

 * An input needs to be handled.  Emitted just before the GameEngine
 * method processInput is invoked.
 * @event GameEngine#processInput
 * @param {Object} input - input descriptor object
 * @param {String} input.input - describe the input (e.g. "up", "down", "fire")
 * @param {Number} input.messageIndex - input identifier
 * @param {Object} input.options - the object which was passed as SendInput's InputOptions parameter
 * @param {Number} input.step - input execution step
 * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID

 * An input needs to be handled.
 * This event is emitted on the server only, just before the
 * general processInput event.
 * @event GameEngine#server__processInput
 * @param {Object} input - input descriptor object
 * @param {String} input.input - describe the input (e.g. "up", "down", "fire")
 * @param {Number} input.messageIndex - input identifier
 * @param {Object} input.options - the object which was passed as SendInput's InputOptions parameter
 * @param {Number} input.step - input execution step
 * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID

  * Client moved from one room to another
  * @event GameEngine#server__roomUpdate
  * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID
  * @param {String} from - the room from which the client came
  * @param {String} to - the room to which the client went

 * An input needs to be handled.
 * This event is emitted on the client only, just before the
 * general processInput event.
 * @event GameEngine#client__processInput
 * @param {Object} input - input descriptor object
 * @param {String} input.input - describe the input (e.g. "up", "down", "fire")
 * @param {Number} input.messageIndex - input identifier
 * @param {Object} input.options - the object which was passed as SendInput's InputOptions parameter
 * @param {Number} input.step - input execution step
 * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID

 * Client received a sync from the server
 * @event GameEngine#client__syncReceived
 * @param {Object} sync - sync from the server
 * @param {Array} syncEvents - array of events in the sync
 * @param {Number} maxStepCount - highest step in the sync

  * Client moved from one room to another
  * @event GameEngine#client__roomUpdate
  * @param {Number} playerId - the player ID
  * @param {String} from - the room from which the client came
  * @param {String} to - the room to which the client went

  * Client reset the world step
  * @event GameEngine#client__stepReset
  * @param {Object} resetDesc - sync from the server
  * @param {Number} oldStep - the old step count
  * @param {Number} newStep - the new step count

 * Marks the beginning of a game step on the server
 * @event GameEngine#server__preStep
 * @param {Number} stepNumber - the step number

 * Marks the end of a game step on the server
 * @event GameEngine#server__postStep
 * @param {Number} stepNumber - the step number

 * User input received on the server
 * @event GameEngine#server__inputReceived
 * @param {Object} input - input descriptor
 * @param {Object} - input descriptor
 * @param {String} input.playerId - player that sent the input

  * Report slow frame rate on the browser.
  * The browser did not achieve a reasonable frame rate
  * @event GameEngine#client__slowFrameRate

   * server has started
   * @event GameEngine#start
   * @param {Number} timestamp - UTC epoch of start time

// TODO: the declaration "export default" could be done as part of the class
// declaration up above, but the current version of jsdoc doesn't support this.
// when jsdoc is fixed, move this descriptor back to the class declaration,
// in all relevant files (12 files)
// see:
export default GameEngine;